Quality Control, Industrial Ultrasound, Industrial Radiography, Penetrating Liquids, Magnetic Particles, Level 03 Inspector Advisory, Complementary Services, among others.


Our Services

MAXIM NDT has in its staff, qualified professionals in the most diverse branches of non-destructive testing and quality control, being conventional or advanced tests, ready for a service of excellence throughout the national territory, Off Shore and On Shore.



The Industrial Radiography Technique, either by means of Gamma Rays or X-Rays, is a non-destructive test method capable of detecting volumetric defects with good sensitivity, and with this its great utility for detecting internal faults or discontinuities, especially in welds, molten and forged materials.

Industrial Radiography also has as a great advantage, the permanent record of the test performed, since in the radiographic film, all the evidence of the inspection carried out remains.


The Digital Radiography Technique is a non-destructive test method widely used for corrosion detection, thickness measurement and possible obstructions in pipes and equipment.
The test has in its great advantages the immediate report, the storage of images and digital reports, a smaller radius of beaconing of the controlled area.


RTR is an X-ray system with live video output for real-time inspection and radiographic reports, which enable inspection of insulated pipe meters for corrosion identification or corrosion precursors such as desquamation, external wall loss and wet insulation.


Maxim Inspections has in its staff, highly qualified professionals, and we also have state-of-the-art equipment to perform Conventional and Digital Radiography Tests, ready for service throughout the national territory.

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The Ultrasound Technique is characterized by being a non-destructive test with the objective of detecting internal discontinuities, present in the most varied types or forms of ferrous or non-ferrous materials.
It is a test method in which a high-frequency sonic beam is introduced into the material to be inspected. The sound that travels through the material reflected by the interfaces is detected and analyzed to determine the presence and location of discontinuities.


The Phased Array Ultrasound technique uses the same physical principles as Conventional Ultrasound, but this assay in addition to optimizing, also records 100% of the Test performed.
In this test, changes in the formation of the sonic beam and focal point are allowed, allowing excellent results in inspections. Are normally used in this test from 4 to 32 Pulses.


Maxim Inspections has in its staff, highly qualified professionals, and we also have conventional equipment with state-of-the-art technology (Phased Array, and TOFD) that enable the electronic deflection of the sonic beam, electronic scanning of the sonic beam sector and complex inspections, being ready for service throughout the national territory.



The Penetrating Liquid Technique is a non-destructive test method, capable of detecting extremely small surface discontinuities, in the order of 0.001 mm of aperture, and there are no limitations to the test due to the shape and size of the part to be tested, and with it its great utility for detecting faults and or internal discontinuities.

The Penetrating Liquid Test also has as a great advantage its application in various types of materials and products, whether magnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, glazed ceramics, glasses and plastics.


The Magnetic Particle Technique is a non-destructive test method widely used in the location of surface and sub-surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials.
The test has in its advantages an immediate result, and can be applied to finished and machined materials, and can be performed by various types of Magnetic Particles, such as dry, wet or wet fluorescent.


Maxim Inspections has in its staff, highly qualified professionals, and we also have equipment and materials for the Tests of Penetrating Liquid and Magnetic Particle, ready for a service of excellence throughout the National Territory, Off Shore and On Shore.


Maxim Inspections has in its staff, welding inspectors N1 and N2 certified in the modalities of Piping, Pressure Vessels, Gas Pipelines, Pipelines and Metal Structures, ready for a service of excellence throughout the national territory, Off Shore and On Shore.

We serve in all the services below in the welding area:

  1. N1 Welding Inspection
  2. N2 Welding Inspection
  3. Visual Inspection
  4. Audits in Quality Assurance Systems
  5. Welder Qualification according to ASME / AWS Standards
  6. Laboratory Tests
  7. Material Selection
  8. Issue of certificates:
  • RQPS – Welding Procedure Qualification Record (RQPS)
  • EPS – Welding Procedure Specification (EPS)
  • RQS – Welders Qualification Record (RQS)

Today the Oil, Petrochemical and Naval Sector are the main buyers of goods and services in the industrial sector, and require from their suppliers certifications such as ISO 9000.

However, other buyers also follow this same path requiring from their suppliers various certifications and qualified professionals and certificates according to ISO 9712 or ASNT, in the quality control of new equipment and maintenance of equipment in service.
Within this universe it is essential to have the advice of a certified level 3 professional according to ISO 9712 or ASNT, working in partnership with your quality management system.

Maxim Inspections offers level 3 service in non-destructive testing in order to assist companies performing or contracting service of Non-destructive Testing to comply with the standards and norms that establish the basic guidelines for the execution of the test, through technical advice as follows:

  • Interpretation of standards and specifications with regard to the performance of tests and acceptance criteria
  • Supervision of non-destructive testing activities in your Company or work by ISO 9712 or ASNT level 3 certified professional
  • Preparation and approval of procedures according to national and international standards such as ASME, AWS, API and etc.
  • Conducting audits in the area of non-destructive testing
  • Assistance in the purchase of materials, implementation and evaluation of radiographic film processing laboratory and report rooms. Adapting them national and international standards that govern the radiographic test
  • Retraining of qualified personnel by the ASNT or ISO 9712 system in order to enable them to a better understanding of the acceptance criteria, procedures and technical instructions available for the execution of the inspection
  • Provide training and certify professional levels 1, 2 and 3 according to self-certification systems, such as ASNT SNT-TC- 1A Nondestructive Personnel Qualification and Certification.
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The Technique of (PMI) Positive Identification of Materials, is a method of Non-destructive Test (NDT) used to verify that the materials / Metal Alloys are in accordance with the standards, with Quantitative and Qualitative analyses, and with the result, it is possible to guarantee the chemical composition of the metal parts.

The (PMI) test is performed using a portable device. The device scans the metallic material using an emitted electromagnetic wave, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and receives a response that is analyzed as a spectrograph for key elements, along with the percentage of composition of the elements in the compound.

Maxim has in its staff, specialized technicians in testing (PMI), which guarantee the quality of the service provided. It can be used in a variety of sizes and geometries, from large and complex parts to items as small as the welding material on the parts, and the tests and results are simultaneous. We have ready service throughout the national territory, On Shore and Off Shore.

Complementary Services

Maxim NDT has in its staff, qualified professionals in the most diverse branches of non-destructive testing and quality control, being conventional or advanced tests, ready for a service of excellence throughout the national territory, Off Shore and On Shore.

We serve in all the services below:

  • Equipment Inspection
  • Dimensional Inspection
  • Manufacturing Inspection and Expediting
  • Materials Inspection and Receipt
  • Paint Inspection
  • Watertightness Inspection
  • Electrical Inspection
  • Thickness Measurement Inspection
  • Inspection Inspector with rope access
  • Industrial Maintenance Solutions
  • Consultancies N2 and N3
  • Implementation of QC Systems
  • Documentation Technicians


Expertise, Quality and Professionalism

Maxim NDT operates in mixed segments of the area of Inspection and Non-destructive Testing, emphasizing quality, safety and productivity, with a total focus on the customer.

We follow Best Practices

Seeking excellence in each project developed and in all the services provided, MAXIM NDT positions itself as one of the leaders in the segment.


LP Inspection


Level 3 Inspection


Rua Mortala Mohamed, Sector Ponta Casa 5-IL-16 Zª1, Ilha do Cabo, Ingombota, Luanda, Angola

Telephone: +244 928 084 410


Rua Urupê, Qd 7, Lt 17, Jardim primavera, Duque de Caxias – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil CEP: 25.215-245

Telephone: +55 21 2773-1868